Naisella avattuna puhelimessa Korsisaaren sovellus.


Have you already downloaded Korsisaari mobile application on your phone? From Korsisaari application you will find ticket products for Nurmijärvi public transportation and all current handouts – all easily from one place. When you allow the notifications, you will receive notification to your phone every time a nee handout is published. Korsisaari mobile application has a tab called application, from which you will find instructions on how to use the application.


No more guessing at the bus stop if the bus comes and where it is. You can follow the route of the bus from Bus-live. Bus-live shows the location of the bus in real time on the map. Move to Bus-live.

Poika kävelee bussipysäkille ja tarkistaa linja-auton sijainnin Bussi-Livestä.

Tickets and prices

Do you wonder what would be the best ticket product for you? Single, serial and seasonal tickets sold by Korsisaari and their prices can be found from the Tickets and prices page. Regardless of if you travel in Nurmijärvi public transportation regularly or once in a while, you will find a ticket product that suits for you.

Matkahuolto reittiopas

Are you uncertain about which stop is closest to where you want to go? Your departure and arrival addresses can be entered in Matkahuolto reittiopas. The right lines and timetables will be provided by Matkahuolto reittiopas to you.

Instructions for passengers in Nurmijärvi public transportation

Do you have concerns related to traveling with prams? How should I change from one bus to another?  What does approximate passing time mean and why do we have those? Do you think if you can travel with a pet in public transportation of Nurmijärvi municipality? We have put together frequent questions and answers page from where you can look for answers to your questions. 

Kivenkyyti – demand responsive transport

Kivenkyyti operates in Nurmijärvi municipality on weekdays by call. Kivenkyyti does not have any certain route or timetable. You can order Kivenkyyti according to your needs based on this service area and service times, by calling +358 50 387 2744. Phone number serves customers on weekdays between 7am and 5pm. Orders should be made at least 1 hour before the planned trip. You can see the services areas of Kivenkyyti from the map.

Kivenkyyti palvelee Nurmijärven alueella kutsupohjaisesti.

Kivenkyyti servicetimes:

During weekdays at 8:45-11:00 and 12:00-14:30

  • Klaukkala monday and thursday
  • Nurmijärvi kirkonkylä wednesday
  • Rajamäki tuesday ans friday

Welcome on board! 

Read more about Kivenkyyti

Korsisaaren matkakorttia voi ladata lisää verkkokaupan kautta.

Buy travel card

Do you want to use the traditional travel card in public transport? Almost all ticket products and value can be downloaded to the Korsisaari travel card. When using value you will pay the same price as is the single ticket bought from the driver. Move to Korsisaari online store and buy yourself a Korsisaari travel card.